Valery Epshtein: Drilling equipment production development is an absolute priority in domestic oil and gas machinery industry
02.10.2007 Время чтения 1 мин.
Russia’s major drilling equipment specialist, vice-president of the Association of Oil and Gas Equipment Manufacturers Valery Epshtein said in the introduction to “Drilling Equipment” catalogue, “Creation of specialized catalogues dedicated to individual oil and gas equipment sectors is instrumental in meeting the market needs. Today, equipment buyers require objective information on both equipment and manufacturers. The new drilling equipment catalogue containing data on all leading domestic suppliers and tailored to fit the needs of both Russian and international oil and gas companies will help to achieve the goal. Development of drilling equipment production is an absolute priority in the domestic oil and gas machinery industry. Expansion of drilling operations and new fields development call for designing and manufacturing of more advanced equipment. The publication that is a single source of information on Russia’s drilling equipment aims to promote Russian equipment supplies to the upstream. I believe, the new catalogue that has been created by drilling equipment and technology professionals will find a ready market both in purchasing and technical divisions of oil and gas producing companies, and in design organizations”. Предложить новость »