NPO “Saturn” to supply six power plants to OAO “Gazprom”
19.09.2007 Время чтения 1.2 мин.
In August 2007, OAO “NPO “Saturn” started installation of GTES- 2,5 gas turbine power plant. This is one of six power plants that will be supplied to Vologda Region for construction of a power station comprising three GTES- 2,5 in the compressor station “Nyuksenitsa” and a similar power facility for the compressor station “Yubileynaya” (OOO “Severgazprom”).
The six gas turbine thermal power plants GTES- 2,5 manufactured by OAO “Saturn-Gas Turbines” will be delivered according to Gazprom’s program “Adaptation and construction of power facilities in 2002-2005 and through 2010”.
GTES- 2,5 that is based on gas turbine engine D049R is engineered to supply electric and thermal power to industries and households. The thermal power plant can use gas and liquid fuels. GTES- 2,5 is basic equipment in the gas production system of OAO “Gazprom”, it is installed in oilfields for independent supply of electricity and heat to infrastructure facilities.
The six GTES- 2,5 are packaged power plants manufactured for outdoor operation under air temperature of up to -63ºC. The thermal power plants will allow to significantly improve reliability of power supply to the assets of OAO “Gazprom”, reduce power consumption cost and mitigate losses due to emergency shut-downs.
OAO “Research and Engineering Enterprise “Saturn” is a leading engine company that focuses on designing, manufacturing and servicing of gas turbine engines for military and civil aircraft, naval vessels, power generation and gas transmission units.
Subsidiary of OAO “NPO “Saturn”, OAO “Saturn-Gas Turbines” integrates and supplies high performance ground-based power equipment to OAO “Gazprom”, RAO “EES of Russia”, Housing and Utilities Infrastructure, municipal entities, power consuming enterprises and oil companies. Using the vast experience and R&D potential of the aircraft industry, OAO “Saturn-Gas Turbine” implements ground-based gas turbine projects (designing, manufacturing, service maintenance, installation and commissioning of gas turbine units, turnkey construction of power generation stations, manufacturing of nuclear power plant equipment).