Policy of personal data processing

This Policy relating personal data processing (further referred to as– «Policy») acts on the website www.tek-all.ru , where LLC “MOSCOW OIL-AND-GAS CONFERENCES” holds the rights over the site, (further referred to as - «Company»), with its location in Moscow: 127106, Gostinichnaya Str., h. 4, corp..9, mezzanine level, office 08-Б.
The company shall process personal data you provide when using our web site and mobile application from any device and in the way of communication with the Company whatever the form of communication it can be, in accordance with the indicated above Policy.
Once you use the Company web site and thus submit the personal data of yours, you are deemed to agree to let your personal data be processed in compliance with the Policy.
1. Basic definitions
«Personal data» – any information relating directly or implied to a person.
«Personal data processing» – carrying out any actions or package of merits regarding your personal data, including collection, recording, classification, capture, storage, update and changes, extraction, application, submitting (dissemination, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deleting and elimination, both with and without systems of machine processing of personal data. (Federal Law dated 27.07.2006 № 152-ФЗ “On personal data”).

2. Data subjected to processing

  • Personal data You provide the Company with when filling in data fields on our web-site and in mobile application, including contact form when subscribed  to the newsletter and checking in for the event;
  • Personal data and other information as the message contents You send to the Company;
  • Technical parameters automatically submitted by the device you use when going to our web-site, such as: technical data, IP-address, information, stored in files «cookies» sent to your device, browser data with the date and time of the web-site access, addresses of pages requested and similar;
  • Other data you wanted to post on our web site.

3. Purpose of data processing
The purpose of processing of your personal data aims exclusively at the objectives these data have been submitted for, namely for:

  • Check in on our web site or mobile application for providing you with the access to certain sections;
  • Submitting information on services and events of the Company;
  • Communication with you when you applying to the Company;
  • Arrangement of your participation  in the events  held by the Company;
  • Directing news items to you;
  • Fulfilling duties stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • For any other purpose by your consent.

The Company shall process personal data to:

  • Provide sustainable operation and safety of the Company web site;
  • Improve the Company site.

Company does not post you personal data in the public available sources. The Company will not make decisions, which can pose legal consequences or otherwise involve your rights and legal interests.

4. Rights of the personal data subjects
To provide protection of your rights our Company at your request can:

  • confirm if your personal data represent the object of data processing and provide you the possibility to get acquainted with them during 30 days from the date of receiving of the request;
  • advise you of the source of receiving and contents of your personal data;
  • inform you of the legal reasons of your personal data;
  • insert essential changes into your personal data, if you confirm they are not full, correct, effective during period of 7 operating dates from the date of the confirmation receipt and advise you of the itemized changes;
  • advise you of the way of exercising your rights when your data are under process by our Company;
  • remove you from the recipient’ list of the news items;
  • cease processing of your personal data during 30 days from the date of receiving of the  withdrawal consent, if there is no other legal ground to process the personal data stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • wipe out your personal data until it is specified that they are either illegally received or  do not meet objectives declared during 7 working days from the date of receipt of the relevant  confirmation via advising you of the measures taken;
  • answer all questions arisen regarding your personal data.

5. How to contact us
You can make an inquiry at our Company as far as the processing of your personal data is concerned  sending a letter with the subject of «An enquiry about personal data» to the following E-Mail address:  or via post: 125057, Moscow, p/o box 50.

6.  Personal data safety
To provide safety of your personal data when processing the Company shall take essential legal, organizational, technical measures to protect personal data from the unauthorized or the accidental access to them, their annihilation, any changes, blocking, copying, passing, dissemination and also other illegal actions relating to handling your personal data.
In order to provide protection of your personal data the Company defines immediate threats to safety of your personal data in information systems of personal data when processing.
Local acts are accepted in the Company in terms of processing of personal data. Employees having access to personal data are aware of the present Policy and local acts on questions of personal data processing.

7. Termination of processing of personal data
The Company shall cease to process personal data:

  • upon occurrence of termination conditions of personal data processing or when the   given period is expired;
  • upon reaching purposes of their processing or in case when no further need exists to achieve such;
  • on your request if processed personal data are illegally received or not necessary for the declared objectives of processing;
  • if the illegal personal data processing is the case, if no legitimacy of personal data processing can be provided;
  • if Company dissolution is the case.

8. Cookies
The Company shall use «cookies» files. Files «cookies» are small text files deposited on hard discs of your devices intended to interact when personalizing user’s interface according to your preferences.
The most browsers enable to abandon the receipt of the files «cookies» and to delete them from the hard disc.

9. Sites of the third parties
On the web site of our Company links to the web sites and services of the third parties can be posted the Company cannot control. The Company does not bear responsibility for the safety and confidentiality of any information collected by the lateral sites or services.

10. Policy changes
Company can update the Policy as and when necessary. You are recommended to occasionally check the relevance of this Policy. Shall you proceed using our web site after Policy changes are made you are deemed to confirm your agreement to modifications made.  
If there are any questions left about the Policy, please, do not hesitate to contact staff in charge for personal data processing in Company, sending a letter with the object indication «Personal data request» to the E-Mail: b/o box 50 in Moscow 125057.
