The situation in coal engineering is worse than in oil and gas
According to the results of a direct survey of the largest coal companies, a rating of suppliers of equipment and materials for the coal industry has been formed. The rating can be found on the website TEK-R.RU We have to state that the situation in the coal engineering industry is worse than in the oil and gas industry. The production of the most important types of equipment for the coal industry was curtailed. Russian enterprises left the market and foreign companies took their place.
TEK-Rating Agency asks to familiarize yourself with the results of the survey and send comments and suggestions by mail to: by May 30
Agency "TEK-Rating" asks to familiarize yourself with the results of the survey and send comments and suggestions by mail to: by May 30
Agency "TEK-Rating" asks to familiarize yourself with the results of the survey and send comments and suggestions by mail to: by May 30