The register of engineering organizations has been criticized by experts
Since December 2024, a Register of Engineering Organizations has appeared in Russia. The Register was created as a result of two regulations:
1) Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 14, 2024 No. 1786;
4) Federal Law of June 22, 2024 No. 144-FZ.
A well-known engineering expert Sergey Mishin responded to the creation of the Register as follows: "A demonstration of the infantile limitations of officials and the impotence of the professional community. Below are the arguments.
Let's first go through the description of the Register. Two types of organizations can be included there. Some create products, probably this includes the Tupolev Design Bureau. Others create production, for example, VNIPIneft and NIPIGAZ.
And MOSPROEKT is not related to engineering, since it simply designs civil buildings? I'm not even talking about the ill-fated EPC/EPSM contractors. Do they meet the requirements or not? For those who don't know, this abbreviation already contains the word engineering, albeit in English.
To get into the Register, an organization must send copies of contracts and other accompanying documents to the Register holder. I wonder if the officials who came up with the Register have ever seen these contracts in their lives? Do they understand that this is a pile of papers? Do they understand that large departments work with contracts? Can they imagine the work of copying these papers? Do they really have the ability to read the copies they receive?
Do officials realize that those very contracts are the main commercial secret of engineering companies? How can you send something like that to an unprotected database, from where any information can be stolen for pennies.
Having a rough idea of ​​the inner world of our bureaucracy, we can say with almost complete certainty that the idea with the Registry is a typical trick. A complex order comes from the top, no one knows how to solve it. They don’t even know who to turn to. The easiest step is to create a Registry. You can stupidly do this for several years, and then calmly bury it, since the first initiators will have already moved to other services. It is very convenient to write reports. And an element of corruption is not excluded. To create a database, you will have to hire a contractor, but everyone is smart.
There are a couple of key questions. First, how should the mentioned Tupolev Design Bureau, Mosproekt, be treated?NIPIGAZ to this idea. They should abandon their old names - design bureau or design institute - and call themselves an engineering center. Or should they expand their name? It is not clear!
A huge number of questions arise regarding the Registry, for example:
- Will they create a Council of representatives of leading organizations?
- Will they finance engineering courses?
- Will they help our companies enter the international ENR rating? Nobody requires copies of contracts there, but the rating is trusted all over the world.
- Will they pay for business trips of leading specialists to large foreign companies, for example, to China, where there are many companies from the ENR registry?
- Will they support efforts to develop protocols for exchanging engineering documentation?
- Will they finance the development of modern engineering programs?
- Will they pay for the inclusion of AI in engineering?
- Will they organize work on implanting large contracts in the legislative body?
And we won't even talk about financial benefits, and in first place are not tax trinkets, but rules for providing long-term loans at reasonable interest rates. After all, everyone knows that Western banks give such loans specifically for an engineering company with a high rating.
I would like to see not a multi-page bureaucratic document from which you have to scratch out the essence, but a clearly and sensibly written roadmap for five years. Then the idea with the Registry can make sense.
In conclusion, about the weakness of the professional community. We have already tried to translate the topic of the community of consulting engineers into a practical plane, but nothing came of it.
where are there many companies from the ENR register?
- Will they support efforts to develop engineering documentation exchange protocols?
- Will they finance the development of modern engineering programs?
- Will they pay for the inclusion of AI in engineering?
- Will they organize work on implanting large contracts in the legislative body?
Well, and we are not even talking about financial benefits, and in the first place are not tax trinkets, but the rules for providing long-term loans at reasonable interest rates. After all, everyone knows that Western banks give such loans specifically for an engineering company with a high rating.
I would like to see not a multi-page bureaucratic document from which you have to scratch out the essence, but a clearly and sensibly written roadmap for five years. Then the idea with the Registry may make sense.
In conclusion, about the weakness of the professional community. We have already tried to translate the topic of the community of consulting engineers into a practical plane, but nothing came of it.
where are there many companies from the ENR register?
- Will they support efforts to develop engineering documentation exchange protocols?
- Will they finance the development of modern engineering programs?
- Will they pay for the inclusion of AI in engineering?
- Will they organize work on implanting large contracts in the legislative body?
Well, and we are not even talking about financial benefits, and in the first place are not tax trinkets, but the rules for providing long-term loans at reasonable interest rates. After all, everyone knows that Western banks give such loans specifically for an engineering company with a high rating.
I would like to see not a multi-page bureaucratic document from which you have to scratch out the essence, but a clearly and sensibly written roadmap for five years. Then the idea with the Registry may make sense.
In conclusion, about the weakness of the professional community. We have already tried to translate the topic of the community of consulting engineers into a practical plane, but nothing came of it.