Sergey Mishin on engineering and engineering activities


Near the Baumanskaya metro station in Moscow there was a gigantic Tupolev Design Bureau. Probably the largest in the world. This design bureau no longer exists. In its place there is a business center with wildly ugly architecture and a completely idiotic name "Tupolev Plaza". It was a design bureau, now it is a PLAZA.
Our engineering ordeals did not end there. By 2000, the word engineering entered our everyday life. And we began to dance around this word. To the wild surprise of normal professionals, engineering began to be interpreted as some kind of parallel (additional) activity to simple engineering work. Like some kind of magic key that needs to be used when ordinary engineers finish their work and handed over to engineering specialists who will supposedly turn shit into candy.
So as not to be unfounded. In 2016, GOST R 57306 - 2016 was published with the title "ENGINEERING. Terminology and basic concepts in the field of engineering".
Here is an excerpt from the GOST:
Engineering is a superstructure over engineering (design and construction) activity.
That is, the state standard states that there is simply engineering activity, and there is a superstructure over it - engineering. That same magic key. Complete nonsense. As a result, one should not be surprised by the result. There are no Russian companies among the list of the world's leading engineering companies. There were some attempts to jump into this rating (NIPIGAS), but they did not hold out.
By the way, the leading engineering companies are simply monsters by Russian financial standards. In terms of revenue, they are comparable to Gazprom and Sberbank.

Sergey Mishin - expert in oil and gas processing
