On February 27, Moscow will discuss the modernization of the electric power industry

The event will bring together leading specialists and experts in the energy sector. They will discuss the modernization of existing and the introduction of new capacities in the electric power industry. MNK conferences have been held at the Hotel Continental on Tverskaya for many years and their main goal is to develop direct ties between fuel and energy companies with suppliers and contractors.
The INVESTENERGO-2025 conference will discuss:
- Improving supply systems for energy facilities
- Development of the hydropower sector in the current realities
- Modernization of the electric grid infrastructure
- Prospects for the development of thermal generation
- Digitalization of procurement processes
- The state of the main Russian equipment suppliers
- Logistics issues for ensuring the operation of industry facilities
- Production of spare parts for foreign equipment
- Interaction of customers and suppliers of industrial products
- Issues of interest for the modernization of the industry
Participants will be able to get acquainted with advanced supply management practices, discuss cost optimization methods and the implementation of modern IT solutions in procurement activities. Attention will be paid to staffing the industry and developing professional competencies.
The business program includes specialized sections on import substitution,localization of production and development of domestic technologies. Experts will share their experience of working with electronic trading platforms and marketplaces. Services for searching for spare parts and components for fuel and energy companies will be considered www.tek-ads.ru
Participants will consider the legal aspects of procurement activities within the framework of federal laws 223-FZ and 44-FZ and receive practical recommendations on organizing effective procurement and building long-term partnerships with suppliers.
Please send proposals on issues of interest for inviting speakers and including them in the program to info@ngk.ru
Every year, at the INVESTENERGO-2025 conference, the results of the annual survey of industry companies are summed up and the best manufacturers of 17 types of energy equipment are awarded.
The Register of Basic Electricity Suppliers can be found at www.tek-all.ru/companies/rating-7
All conference participants will receive a fresh wall map "Investment Projects in the Electric Power Industry - 2025" as a gift.
Tel.: (495) 514-4468, 514-5856
info@ngk.ru; www.ngk.ru