Coal industry suppliers should be united by the Soyuzuglemash association


This was stated by the chairperson of the subcommittee of the RF CCI on interaction of the fuel and energy complex with related industries Elena Loginova after summing up the results of the latest poll customers of mining equipment. Surveys on the state of import substitution in various fuel and energy sectors demonstrate an unfavorable situation in coal engineering. For a long time, coal engineering products were purchased in the USA, Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic, Japan, South Korea and a number of other countries. Large-scale imports led to the bankruptcy of a number of domestic enterprises, such as the flagship of coal engineering in the USSR, and then in Russia - the Yurginsky Machine-Building Plant.

As a result, the coal industry is flooded with foreign equipment, the maintenance of which is greatly complicated under sanctions. No less problems arise with the purchase of new equipment. Somewhere the needs of the industry can be met by Chinese companies, but there is high-tech equipment that coal miners traditionally purchased in the West. It is urgently necessary to create production facilities for the manufacture of spare parts and components for coal miners, similar to how it was created in the oil and gas industry. Significant volumes of foreign equipment in the coal industry require emergency measures to ensure its operability. .

"We have created Register of Coal Industry Suppliers, which includes companies that are significant, according to customers. Unfortunately, coal engineering companies are scattered and do not have a representative with customers, the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the FRP and other organizations," - noted Elena Loginova. According to experts, in the interests of modernizing the coal industry, and effectively using the scientific and technical and production potential of the industry, it is advisable to unite suppliers.

So that the structure is not stillborn, but brings benefits to the industry,It is useful for customers represented by technical and purchasing departments of coal companies to initiate its creation. In this case, the principle of a "single window" for the transfer of technical specifications, needs, and other information will be implemented for customers. And customers will be provided with control over their resources. It would be advisable for the heads of specialized departments of coal companies to join the Board of the Association.

According to Elena Loginova, it would be useful for the Minister of Energy Sergei Tsivilev, who has a good understanding of the situation in the coal industry and pays great attention to issues of modernization of the fuel and energy complex, to head the Coordination Council of an important inter-industry association. In addition, the Coordination Council may include heads of departments in coal regions (Kuzbass, Yakutia, DPR, LPR, Komi), company owners, and other decision-makers.

"The interaction between customers and suppliers in the fuel and energy complex cannot remain at the same low level. I remember well how oilmen accused machine builders of supplying "scrap metal", and they in turn accused raw materials producers of pumping petrodollars abroad. Customers and suppliers should not be on different sides of the barricades. Life forces us to move interaction to a qualitatively different level.
It is necessary to effectively use the scientific, technical and production potential of the domestic industry to modernize the coal industry. The Soyuzuglemash Association can be a good tool for solving an important state task," noted Elena Loginova.

Life forces us to take our interaction to a qualitatively different level.
It is necessary to effectively use the scientific, technical and production potential of the domestic industry to modernize the coal industry. The Soyuzuglemash Association can be a good tool for solving an important state task," noted Elena Loginova.

Life forces us to take our interaction to a qualitatively different level.
It is necessary to effectively use the scientific, technical and production potential of the domestic industry to modernize the coal industry. The Soyuzuglemash Association can be a good tool for solving an important state task," noted Elena Loginova.
