Member of the register of basic fuel and energy suppliers
Participant in the register of basic fuel and energy suppliers
The register was created to quickly become familiar with key companies in specific groups.
The register is formed based on a survey of experts from the largest fuel and energy companies.
The register is posted on the website TEK–ALL.RU and is open.
The registry participant sends the following information:
1.Company logo in jpeg/png
format 2. General information about the company. Approximately 1–2 pages of text describing the essence of the company, main activities and features.
3.Coordinates of responsible employees in areas. Position, full name, telephone/e–mail, general coordinates are possible.
4.Biography of the manager for the section «Heads of the fuel and energy complex and related industries» according to template
Information from points 1–4 is sent by email in text format (not an image) so that you can edit.
Information about products (services) and press–releases is posted and edited by the registry participant independently through his personal account.
To enter your personal account, follow the link a>.
Click on «Member Login» enter your login (e–mail) and password, which you must obtain from the Administrator.
After logging into your personal account, select one of three actions
- Post new products
- Post a new service
- Add news
After entering the information, do not forget to click «Save»
To go to the next section, click «Return to Personal Account menu»
After entering the information, the participant is sent
banner «Basic fuel and energy supplier» and certificate.
Administrator Contacts
E–mail elena @ tek - all . ru
WhatsApp +7 (928) 971-07-41