Glavgosexpertiza holds a large seminar on the requirements for design documentation of fuel and energy complex facilities


Requirements for design documentation of production facilities, field development facilities on the continental shelf and other oil and gas production sites with increased production risks, as well as features of the design of facilities as part of the Unified Energy System of Russia will be considered at the Glavgosexpertiza seminar on November 15, 2023. Starts at 9:00 Moscow time.

The purpose of the seminar – minimizing errors in the development of design documentation for capital construction projects for industrial purposes in the oil and gas complex and power grids in the regions of Russia.

Customers of state examination of design documentation and engineering survey results are invited to participate , design organizations specializing in the design of capital construction production facilities, linear capital construction facilities, as well as expert organizations, estimate specialists and all interested participants in construction activities in the production sectors.

The seminar program includes 7 thematic lectures in which experts from the Glavsgosexpertiza of Russia will consider about 50 questions on various aspects of preparing oil and gas complex and electric power industry projects for examination. The speakers will pay special attention to the rules for developing design documentation and typical errors in the design of fuel and energy complex facilities, including on-site and linear field facilities, field roads, power lines and substations with high voltage 35-750 kV, as well as auxiliary infrastructure for their maintenance.

Separately, the seminar will consider cases requiring re-examination, including in the form of expert support. In addition, experts, using specific examples, will analyze possible options and ways of combining repeated (initial) examination and expert support, explain the advantages and feasibility of choosing the form of examination, based on the specifics of projects and the conditions for their implementation.

Traditionally, the seminar will end with a round table discussing additional questions from the audience. The discussion will be moderated by Denis Skorobogatov, head of the Samara branch of the Main State Expertise of Russia. You can learn more about the seminar program and sign up for participation


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