Anna Ryzhova headed the press service of the Russian Ministry of Energy


Observers do not have time to follow the change of heads of the press service of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation. A kaleidoscope of appointments: Marina Kotsubinskaya, Karina Khamizova, Tatyana Bosyuk... Only Pavel Fedorov, the press secretary of Minister Nikolai Shulginov, remains unchanged. The number of employees in the press service of the Ministry of Energy is also shrinking like shagreen leather. Andrey Pogosyan, Elizaveta Blinova, Yana Kachurina, Elizaveta Vornovitskaya and others left the ministry building on Shchepkina and moved to other structures.
There are oddities in the structure of the Russian Ministry of Energy, which TEK-ALL has already written about. In particular, For some reason, the legal department is subordinated not to professional lawyer Anastasia Bondarenko, but to electric power engineer Pavel Snikkars. The Department of International Cooperation is supervised by coal miner Sergei Mochalnikov, and not by Pavel Sorokin, who knows languages ​​very well and has worked and negotiated abroad. For some reason, the Security Department is not with Evgeniy Grabchak, who regularly “puts out fires,” and financial and property relations are not with Anastasia Bondarenko. There are also a lot of oddities in terms of overseeing import substitution in the Ministry of Energy of Russia. It is not very clear which department and which specialists are involved in this important area.

The new head of the press service, Anna Ryzhova, graduated from school 1202 in the north of Moscow in 1988, and in 1996, Moscow State Humanitarian University named after M. A. Sholokhov. She worked as a teacher for a long time. He is interested in English and Italian languages, architecture, and macrame.

General telephone number of the press service of the Ministry of Energy of Russia +7 (916) 910-77-55

Press Secretary of the Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Pavel Anatolyevich Fedorov

Head of the press service: Anna Gennadievna Ryzhova

Press service staff
Olga Kazan coal industry, international cooperation,
