On October 13, the legal summit “Fuel and Energy Complex and Law. Time to join forces” will take place!
In a turbulent foreign policy environment, an accelerating global warming trend, as well as new challenges in the field of digitalization of production and extraction, the legal function in companies in the fuel and energy sector is more important than ever. Today, fuel and energy complex lawyers have to solve a variety of problems, anticipating possible changes in the external situation, slowdowns in the economy, dampening the risks of both the company and its leaders.
The summit will bring together more than 100 corporate lawyers of the fuel and energy complex and create a place and space for discussing important topics, guarantees safety, impartiality and balance of the discussion, as well as the publicity of its results and important thoughts expressed during its course.
In the program:
- Plenary session “One faster, together further?”
- Session “Protecting the rights of Russian companies : problems of access to justice in Russia and abroad"
- Session "Full compensation for environmental damage “ "nature" and/or money? What is better and for whom, is there a choice?
- Session “Tax consequences of unfinished business projects”
- Session “Treaties must be respected!” Isn™t it?
- Session «Transactions on the fuel and energy market in new conditions. Directions of market evolution"
- Session "What foreign trade participants should not forget"
- Session "Legal support of large construction projects taking into account today's realities"
- Session "Intellectual property as an asset of the future: issues of creation, management and commercialization"
- "Apartment house in the style of ER"
Among the speakers: retired judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation
Sergey Verbitsky - Rosatom state corporation
Artem Volodyaev - "NIPIGAZ"
Generalova Alla - "SIBUR"
Grashchenkova Anna - State Corporation "Roscosmos"
Konyaev Sergey - "Gazprom"< br /> Andrey Koptelov - "LUKOIL-Komi"
Dmitry Medvedev - "Tatneft"
Victor Yuzefovich - "Gazpromneft Expert Solutions" (legal block of the company "Gazprom Neft"
Elena Yakusheva - "NaftaGaz" and others
We invite you October 13 to the legal summit «Fuel and Energy Complex and Law. Time to join forces!
Registration and details at the link: https://fcongress.forbes.ru/events/tecandlaw
Organizer: Gazpromneft Expert Solutions and Forbes Congress Russia
Date: October 13
* The conference is intended for corporate lawyers