Irkutsk Oil Company (INK) postpones the launch of the Irkutsk Polymer Plant


The Irkutsk Oil Company (INK) may postpone the launch of the Irkutsk Polymer Plant (IPP) from 2024 to 2025. Vedomosti reported this. a source familiar with the company's plans. The information was also confirmed by the general director of INK-capital (management company INK) Marina Sedykh. “We are moving our polymer plant to 2025,” – said the top manager to Vedomosti.
At the end of June, Sedykh said that the plant would be put into operation in 2024, but allowed some delay. “Maybe there will be some delay due to the fact that it took us a long time to receive the latest equipment. There were very serious problems, [but now] almost everything has been delivered,” – she said (quote from TASS). Investments in the project, according to her, are estimated at 400 billion rubles.

XIII Conference "Modernization of production facilities for oil and gas processing", Oil and Gas Refining-2023, 28 September 2023