The Ministry of Economic Development has prepared a draft law "On technology policy in the Russian Federation"


“Ъ” got acquainted with the draft law “On technology policy in the Russian Federation” — The document was prepared by the Ministry of Economy in development of the concept of technological development of the Russian Federation until 2030, adopted in May 2023 and setting state policy guidelines on the path to “technological sovereignty”, innovative economic growth and import substitution. The document must harmonize industrial and scientific policies, subordinating them to a single logic — achieving technological development goals. “The logic of implementing the technology policy law will be that on its basis it will be possible to set priorities for both industrial and de facto form an order for scientific and technical policy,”— explain “Ъ” in the secretariat of First Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov. The Ministry of Economy adds that the bill was written in such a way that it would be integrated into the existing architecture and there would be no need to adjust existing laws.

Technological development priorities will be formed in the form of lists of critical ones ( necessary now) and end-to-end (for the long term) technologies. The basis for the critical ones will be projects of technological sovereignty (there are currently ten of them - from the production of machine tools, medicines and medical products to ships, airplanes and civilian drones). The principle for determining critical technologies is as follows: the project of “technosovereignty” breaks down into key stages of production — necessary but outlier technologies are included in the list of critical ones.

The design in the field of import substitution becomes more stringent — there must be intellectual rights to the results of intellectual activity (RIA), people and competencies, means of production (this will help eliminate the practice of “re-labeling” and disguising supposedly Chinese products as Russian ones). What will become more important is not the transfer of production to the Russian Federation as such, but the provision of production under national control (for example, in other countries under the control of Russian legal entities).

The bill defines the rights and responsibilities in the field of technology policy President, federal, regional and municipal government agencies, institutions of innovative development, state corporations and state-owned companies, as well as the Russian Academy of Sciences. The document also introduces the concepts of high-tech products, technological development activities, key technical solutions, technological intermediaries, and so on. One of the major innovations — special legal regimes to support the current level of production of high-tech products, support accelerated technology development, and support long-term changes. The regime is not limited territorially, only in time, involves targeted exemptions from regulation and is assigned to the level of the president. Among the possible designs — features of the disposal of exclusive rights, accelerated certification of technologies, special rules for disclosing information when exporting and importing technologies.

and supporting long-term change. The regime is not limited territorially, only in time, involves targeted exemptions from regulation and is assigned to the level of the president. Among the possible designs — features of the disposal of exclusive rights, accelerated certification of technologies, special rules for disclosing information when exporting and importing technologies.

and supporting long-term change. The regime is not limited territorially, only in time, involves targeted exemptions from regulation and is assigned to the level of the president. Among the possible designs — features of the disposal of exclusive rights, accelerated certification of technologies, special rules for disclosing information when exporting and importing technologies.