The Ministry of Industry and Trade proposes to soften the requirements for the withdrawal of subsidies if companies fail to cope with import substitution


The Ministry of Industry and Trade published a draft government decree providing for relief for participants in industrial clusters if they undertake projects to produce products as part of import substitution. We are talking about a cost compensation program launched in 2016 for such investors — up to 30% of project implementation costs, but not more than 300 million rubles. Since 2023, the program has new conditions that provide for reimbursement from the budget of up to 50% of the costs of purchasing initial batches of components produced by other cluster participants,— within 150 million rubles. (see “Ъ” dated December 30, 2022).
The draft resolution for those who have entered into an agreement to receive subsidies until the end of 2023 proposes to allow adjustments to target indicators if they cannot be achieved due to sanctions.
For example, the declared indicators for the volume of industrial production products and their sales can be replaced by the target number of jobs created by concluding an additional agreement. Further allocation of subsidies from the budget will be stopped. To do this, it is necessary to document the impossibility of achieving indicators due to sanctions, as well as the fact of organizing the production of industrial products for the purpose of import substitution and the volume of its output. Kommersant